Remote solutions to access the corporate network

Webpl@n-IT offers your company the possibility to access your workstations and applications in an efficient and cost-effective way. By using the server-based computing model all applications are started from a central server. If your company uses Microsoft Office, e-mail or specific company-applications, all software is installed once on a central server and must not be installed locally on the workstations. Software distribution to all the workstations is obsolete.

The end-user does only need a station to have local or remote access to the server so he can use the applications. By using a classic PC, a cheap thin client, wireless device, IPAQ, Blackberry or an easy webbrowser he can access all his applications.

The solution contains a XP, application server software, installed on a performant server.


Citrix’s passion is to simplify information access for everyone. As the only enterprise software company 100% focused on access, this is also their unique passion.

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